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Hunor Tóth among the artists of the Fresh Meat exhibition organized by Budapest Photo Festival

The winners of the 2024 Fresh Meat call launched by the Budapest Photo Festival were announced today. Hunor Tóth, founder and president of the Off Space Association, is also among the selected exhibiting artists. Congratulations!

from the selected series / Between the Church and the Abyss (2022-ongoing)

The Fresh Meat open call for photographers under 35 aims to explore the thoughts of the youngest generation. Nearly 70 exciting photographic entries were received in 2024. The jury, consisting of Renáta Gallai, cultural officer of the Mayor's Office of Erzsébetváros, and curators Szilvia Mucsy and Rita Somosi, selected 8 artists for the exhibition after a long discussion. - can be read on the Budapest Photo Festival Facebook page.

Selected artists:

GUTAY Bálint, HITRE Imola, ILLYÉS Bence, KISS Richárd, KONDOR Bence , SZABÓ Emma, TÓTH Hunor, VARGA Domonkos

The exhibition will be on show at K6 Gallery from 2 April until 21 April.

More information coming soon on the Budapest Photo Festival Facebook page

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